Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Apple Farm

My boys and I love going to the pumpkin patch! Today, we went to a farm that had pumpkins, apples, raspberries, and blackberries (although we only found one blackberry!) The kids had a great time picking raspberries, picking out a pumpkin, and riding on a hayride! Caleb ate as many raspberries as he picked, Mason got his first bee sting, and Colby was so excited to hold on to his pumpkin! It was a great day!


  1. It was a great day. My girls had so much fun picking raspberries and their own special to carve them!

  2. I think we are going to wait to carve ours for a while. I roasted some pumpkin seeds yesterday, so I might be able to hold off for a while!
